HOLY MOLY you guys! WOW!
So ONE week ago I made it public that I was taking this crazy leap. This is so far outside of my comfort zone but I'm doing it.
Committing to something so far outside of my comfort zone is terrifying. I'm still terrified. Seriously, I like my hair - I like it a lot. But then again, it's just hair - what's the worst that could happen?

So I took a leap. I threw something crazy out there and I prayed that you would support it. When I shared this with my sister weeks ago she thought I was nuts and then she said "what if you make like $50 bucks?" We laughed about all the "what-if''s" and like many others she (with her heart in the right place) suggested "why not just a cute pixie cut - you can still donate the rest?"
No. I didn't want a dramatic haircut, I wanted an adventure. I wanted to be uplifted. I wanted to toss some love out and see what came back.
So I said f*ck it. I let go of the fear, the anxiety, the what-if's and I jumped in. ALL in.
In NINE days we have raised $3,286!!!!
FORTY FOUR people so far have said "I want in on this!"
A talented artist donated her time and skills and created the most beautiful posters and postcards to be used for fundraising. Those are now posted all over downtown Plymouth.
An old work-friend donated the printing. She even dropped them off at my house while my kids napped.
A local chocolate store OFFERED (yes offered) to host a fundraising event.
A friend of mine who sells books is setting up an online social and donating all of the commissions.
My Stylist Ashley generously colored my hair as a tribute to it (the hair) and we'll send off the most beautiful braids. Then she too donated, let me hang a poster at her station and leave post cards for her clients.
*Don't worry, my hair was colored before and so I am donating to Children with Hair loss and they accept both colored and gray hair. So that's me. Both of them.
There's a local group of Young Living consultants that chose THIS as their weekly charity to support.
The first donation came in from Hilton Head Island from a mom of 5 with a single family income and I will tell you I know that that donation mattered to them. I know that giving isn't always easy, even when you want to. I know this because that's the reality in our house. And she chose this! She said without hesitation "I'm in!"
Strangers have donated, friends of friends have donated, old bosses have donated and our largest donation so far came from an old high school friend, that with the exception of a recent wedding, I've lost touch with. The generosity being shown is beautiful to witness and dare I say a ripple effect has begun.
You guys in one week this has moved past what I could ever have done alone. This is us, all of us!! I set out to spread some love and the love that has been sent out in return is beyond inspiring.
Here are a few (more) things you should know about what you are supporting:
- Many adult cancers can be diagnosed early. In 80% of kids, cancer has already spread to other areas of the body by the time it is diagnosed
- Some cancers almost never strike after the age of 5; others occur most often in teenagers. Even when kids get cancers that adults get—like lymphoma—they must be treated differently. Children are not simply smaller adults!
- Only 4% of U.S. federal funding is dedicated to childhood cancers.
So here's the thing: I was told yesterday that by whatever metrics are used by the fancy people running this event (Lord know that me and math are about as compatible as me and proper punctuation) that with our current momentum we could reasonably raise $10,000!!!
Holy shit balls batman!! TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! Now, you know I want to do that! Anyone who has spent 10 minutes with me knows I love a good challenge. What an amazing gift for us to send to St. Baldricks. To send out into the Universe.
I'm just some girl, sitting in my filthy house, hammering out a few words on our old desk top with a crazy desire to explore the unknown; and now a week later we, as a community, are on the path to spread some MAJOR LOVE. I'm just so inspired!
I am literally just a head of hair at this point. This is all you guys! This is the result of your love and your support.
So kindly here's what I am asking: PLEASE keep spreading the word! Please share this! Please let your friends and family know that there's a quiet group of people who are fundraising for an AMAZING charity and it's snowballing! If you haven't yet, please consider a donation. This is YOUR chance to be a part of this adventure. To join our team and to help this little-engine-that-could climb this mountain and deliver big results.
Are we changing the world? No. Will we solve all the worlds problems? Nope! BUT WE CARE! We are doing something. We are giving a f*ck. This will matter! We are spreading love and it's growing fast.
I joked in my first post that politics didn't get to me so badly that it caused me to shave my head - that's half true. I was/am bummed by the divide. I was bummed by the fear people have and the uncertainty and the people who I see at odds with each other. I was bummed that politics ended friendships, that as a society we got here. I felt compelled to do something good, just one small thing - to do something unifying and I have to say, unifying it has been.
Join us! Please! It's a whole lot of fun over here.
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